David's Bazaar

Live storytelling that engage and inspire
In a series of events, David’s Bazaar highlights the museum’s collections from new points of view, debates current themes, presents leading scholarship in the field, and tells eternal stories. David’s Bazaar will have something for almost everyone. For the inquisitive, the romantic, the adventurous, the specialist, and the visitor who just wants to learn more. David’s Bazaar will provide national insight and international visions that inspire and engage.
Upcoming Events
Past Events

The merging of streetart, calligraphy and activism

A Return to the Early Kufi A talk about typography, kufi and calligraphy by Dr. Nadine Chahine

A Calligrapher’s Journey – praxis and spirituality

Opera and piano fill David’s rooms (1)

Når det indre må forstumme

Kan man strikke en solstråle? Et støvkorn?

Den danske opdagelse af Ibn Fadlan?

Hvem må fortælle Tyrkiets historie?

Orientens rolle i den franske oplysning

Det iranske kvindeoprørs poesi

Malerisamlere før David

Arabisk filosofi i omrids

Rundt om Jorden

38 år i Davids Samling

Paradis i ørkenen – Blade af den tidlige kristendoms og munkebevægelses historie

Saudi Arabien i forandring – Ungdommens kamp for reformer

Stoflige virkninger – Arkitekten Carl Petersen i Davids Samling

Kender du historien om Ibn Battuta?

Danmark i Afghanistan og Mellemøsten

150 år med Gilgamesh

Der er ingen fremmede lande

An Oriental, Arabic Musical Evening

The Art, Mind and Destiny of the Danish Painter J.Th. Lundbye

Prince, Royal Guard, and Legionary

Alchemical Searches - the Sculptor Niels Hansen Jacobsen and Ceramics

Cultural Sustainability and Fashion - From the Past to the Future

The Humorist Karen Blixen and the Caliph, Albondocani

The Language of Ceramics

Turkey under Erdogan

The Mechanism – a documentary in Danish about the cultural relationships between Denmark and China in the 18th century

Opera and piano fill David’s rooms

Between ourselves

Geometric concepts and colour systematics in Niels Nedergaard's art

Older, Islamic architecture from a present perspective

Mysticism - a platform for dialogue

Danish Sets - from blue flowers to coarse glazes

The Paintress and the Princess

Ten camels for Ameera