The Hippie Trail - Rejsefotografier af Torben Huss

Fra den 8. juni kan man i Davids Samling opleve særudstillingen ”The Hippie Trail’ – rejsefotografier af Torben Huss”. 

Om udstillingen

Fra den 8. juni kan man i Davids Samling opleve særudstillingen ”The Hippie Trail’ – rejsefotografier af Torben Huss”. Udstillingen udgøres af 92 fotografier og en film skabt af lysbilleder og musik. Davids Samling har i de senere år arrangeret kunstfoto-udstillinger med en relation til museets indsamlingsområder. Dette er den femte i rækken.

Torben Huss var en ung mand, da han i 1962 tog afsted med kurs mod øst. Med sig havde han sit konfirmations-kamera og sine drømme og ikke så meget andet. Turen gik ad snoede veje, og der var ingen tidsplan eller særlige opgaver, der skulle løses. Det vigtige var at komme afsted og at lade mulighederne og indtrykkene dukke op undervejs. Med Huss’ egne ord:

”Med en lille hjemmesyet sæk blaffede jeg ned gennem Europa og videre mod øst. På landevejen og uden sigte. Vejene fortsatte og lokkede og ledte mig videre, til jeg havnede i Nepal, et land jeg ikke anede eksistensen af, før jeg i Indien nærmede mig grænsen”.

Fotografierne, som Huss tog på sin første tur og på sine næste mange rejser til Indien, er sjældent blevet vist. Det sker nu, hvor et udvalg af gamle, men velbevarede negativer og lysbilleder fra 60´erne og 70’erne er fundet frem, og nye fremkaldelser udstilles under titlen ’The Hippie Trail’. I virkeligheden eksisterede begrebet hippie slet ikke, da Huss første gang tog afsted, men rejseformen og ruten skulle hurtigt vise sig at blive ”hip” i en generation med udlængsel og nysgerrighed.

Udstillingen indledes med fotografier af ungdomsliv i København i 1968. Herfra tages man med til Tyrkiet, Iran, Afghanistan, Usbekistan, Pakistan og Indien. Huss’ blik for det poetiske i det fremmede er i fokus, men indimellem peger kameraet også på de medrejsende. Det er en rejse i tid og sted med en hel del til den nostalgisk anlagte og endnu mere til den eventyrlystne.

I forbindelse med udstillingen er fremstillet et lille fint katalog af museumsinspektør Peter Wandel med udvalgte billeder og et interview med fotografen. For presseeksemplarer af kataloget og pressefotos, kontakt kommunikationsansvarlig Sonja Wiesener på [email protected].

Udstillingen løber fra den 8. juni til den 28. oktober 2018. Der er gratis adgang til museet og alle udstillinger.

Der er arrangeret et pressemøde den 7. juni kl. 10.15 til 11.30, hvor Torben Huss og museumsinspektør Peter Wandel vil vise rundt og besvare spørgsmål – for fremsendelse af invitation og tilmelding til mødet, send en mail til [email protected].

Davids Samling
Kronprinsessegade 30
1306 København K
Tlf. 33 73 49 49

Udvalgte billeder

Torben Huss, “På café i Istanbul”. Tyrkiet, 1967.
Torben Huss, “Kamelmarkedet”. Nagaur, Rajasthan, Indien, 60’erne.
Torben Huss, “Oversvømmelse”. Manasbal, Kashmir, 1979
Mere presse

Curator of Art from the islamic World

Application deadline: 2 February 2025 at 10:00 PM (GMT+1)

The David Collection is looking for a skilled and dedicated curator to join the curatorial team responsible for managing our distinguished collection of art from the Islamic world. If you are passionate about the arts and cultures of the Islamic world and enthusiastic about engaging audiences through exhibitions, publications and research activities, we encourage you to apply.   

About the museum

The David Collection is a private museum located in central Copenhagen which houses one of the world’s finest collections of art from the Islamic world as well as an exquisite collection of early modern Danish art and European art from the 17th-19th centuries. The museum was founded by the Danish lawyer and avid art collector Christian Ludvig David (1878–1960) and is today owned and operated by the C. L. David Foundation.

Since the 1960s, the collection of art from the Islamic world has continually expanded through new acquisitions, and today it comprises more than 3,000 works of art from across the Islamic world, created between the 7th and 19th centuries.  The collection covers a broad range of categories, including miniature painting, calligraphy, ceramics, textiles, metalwork, glass and woodcarving. In addition to being showcased in an extensive permanent display across two floors, these works of art are also presented through temporary thematic exhibitions and explored in detail in the scholarly Journal of The David Collection.

About the position

The David Collection is a small but dedicated institution with a flat organisational structure that encourages initiative as well as collaboration across departments and fields of expertise.

As a curator you will join two curatorial colleagues and our director in caring for the art historical management of the Islamic collection. You will also be working closely with our curator of Danish and European art, our conservator, registrar and librarian as well as our department of communication and technical staff.

Responsibilities and duties

·        Maintaining and developing the permanent Islamic exhibition.

·         Organising thematic exhibitions.

·         Writing informative and engaging texts about Islamic art, spanning from objects labels to articles for exhibition catalogues and academic journals.

·         Producing content for our website and digital platforms.

·         Conducting research related to possible new acquisitions.

·         Studying and cataloguing new acquisitions and organising their integration into the permanent exhibition.

·         Participating in the training of new student assistants for The David Collection’s educational programme.

·         Responding to correspondence related to the collection and assisting visiting colleagues and researchers.

·         Editing and contributing to the scholarly Journal of The David Collection.

·         Giving lectures as part of our event programme David’s Bazar.


·         A Ph.D. degree within a relevant field of study, e.g. Islamic Art history, Islamic Archaeology, Islamic studies or Islamic History.

·         Reading proficiency in at least one of the following languages: Arabic, Persian or Ottoman Turkish.

·         High proficiency in English as a written and spoken language.

·         Proficiency in Danish or willingness to learn Danish within the first two years of employment.

·         Work experience from related institutions (preferable).

What we offer

You will become a part of a highly motivated team dedicated to caring for an outstanding collection of fine art in the heart of Copenhagen. As a curator you will be able to work directly with the objects of the Islamic collection and make use of our rich research library to expand your knowledge of the field. You will also be encouraged to share this knowledge through publications as well as through public lectures.

Application and further details:

Start of employment: as soon as possible.

The position is a full-time permanent position of 37 hours per week with fixed working hours.
Salary and conditions in accordance with the collective agreement for academics in Danish state employment. The position also includes pension and employee benefits. 

The position is based at The David Collection in Copenhagen. You will therefore be expected to be located within daily commuting distance of the museum.   

Application (in English or Danish), resumé, a list of publications and contact information for two references should be submitted in the form of a single document in .doc or .pdf-format sent to [email protected] with ‘Curator of art from the Islamic World’ in the subject heading. The deadline for submission is 2 February 2025, at 10:00 PM (GMT+1).

We expect to hold the first round of interviews in-person at The David Collection in February of 2025

If you have questions about the position, please contact Director Joachim Meyer at [email protected] or by calling +45 33 73 49 49. Additional information can also be found on our website


Mere end Ord. Kalligrafi fra den islamiske verden.

Fra den 24. maj kan du gå på opdagelse i den islamiske kalligrafi som kunstart og dens historie, når Davids Samling åbner dørene til særudstillingen ”Mere end ord – kalligrafi fra den islamiske verden”.  Og titlen skal tages helt bogstaveligt, for ordene og de smukke bogstaver antager flere betydninger. 


Samlerens Valg

Fra den 12. maj viser Davids Samling en udstilling med nyere dansk kunst, primært købt af C.L. David selv.


Ny direktør i Davids Samling

Direktørskifte i Davids Samling pr. 1. maj 2023

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