Lærredsvævet tekstil af uld med gobelinvævede dekorationer

Egypten, Fayyum; 9.-10. århundrede
H (m. frynser): 38,5; B: 49,5 cm
Inventarnummer 5/2018
Publiceret i
Alisa Baginski og Amalia Tidhar: Textiles from Egypt 4th-13th Centuries C.E., L. A. Mayer Memorial Institute of Islamic Art, Jerusalem 1980, kat.nr. 267;
Eunice Dauterman Maguire: Weavings from Roman, Byzantine and Islamic Egypt: The rich life and the dance, Krannert Art Museum, Champaign 1999, kat. A40; 
Maximilien Durand og Florence Saragoza (red.): Egypte, la trame de l’historie: textiles pharaoniques, coptes et islamiques, Paris 2002, s. 170.
Louise W. Mackie: Symbols of Power, Cleveland 2015, s. 90, fig. 3.5.

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