
Spanien, Cordoba; 10. århundredes 2. halvdel
H: 51,5; B: 28,2 cm
Inventarnummer 86/2004
Publiceret i
Fernando Valdés: “The ivories of al-Andalus (10th-11th century): some thoughts on arts and crafts in the Caliphate of Córdoba and the Taifa kingdoms” i Journal of the David Collection, 2005, 2:2, fig. 105, s. 196;
Sheila S. Blair og Jonathan M. Bloom (red.): Cosmophilia. Islamic Art from the David Collection, Copenhagen, McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, Boston 2006, 84;
Kjeld von Folsach: Flora islamica: plantemotiver i islamisk kunst, Davids Samling, København 2013, 9; 

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