Oliemaleri på lærred. ”En afro-iransk soldat”

Iran, Isfahan; 17. århundredes sidste fjerdedel
122 x 79,5 cm
Inventarnummer 7/2021
Publiceret i
Bonhams, London, 30/3-2021, lot 28;
Jan Bykowski: ”Wie entwickelt sich der Markt für Alte Meister” i Kunst und Auktionen: Die Kunstmarktzeitung der ZEIT, 48:20, 2021, fig. 2, s. 16-17; 
Alex Langer (red.): The Fascination of Persia. The Persian-European Dialogue in Seventeenth-Century Art and Contemporary Art from Tehran, Museum Rietberg, Zürich 2013, s. 298-299 og John Curtis, Ina Sarikhani Sandmann og Tim Stanley: Epic Iran. 5000 Years of Culture, Victoria and Albert Museum, London 2021, kat. 163-164.
Michael Chagnon: “’Cloath’d in Several Modes’: Oil-on-Canvas Painting and the Iconography of Human Variety in Early Modern Iran” i Alex Langer (red.), Alex Langer (red.): The Fascination of Persia. The Persian-European Dialogue in Seventeenth-Century Art and Contemporary Art from Tehran, Museum Rietberg, Zürich 2013, s. 258-261.

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