Manuskript. Illustreret kompendium af erotiske tekster
209 blade 

Det Osmanniske Rige; mellem 1799 og 1817
Hvert blad: 32,2 x 20,5 cm
Inventarnummer 8/2018
Publiceret i
Sotheby’s, London 4/4-1978, lot 120;
Marina Wallace, Martin Kemp, Joanne Bernstein: Seduced: Art and Sex from Antiquity to Now, Barbican Centre, London 2007, s. 120-121;
Tülay Artan og Irvin Cemil Schick: ”Ottomanizing-pornotopia: Changing visual codes in eighteenth-century Ottoman erotic miniatures” i Francesca Leoni og Mika Natif (red.): Eros and Sexuality in Islamic Art, Farnham 2013, s. 178-179 fig. 7.8-7.9;
Sotheby’s, London 25/4-2018, lot 105;
Irvin Cemil Schick: “Between the abstraction of miniatures and the literalism of photography: Amateur erotica in early twentieth-century Turkey” i Pedram Khosronejad (red.): Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia, 5-6, 2017-2018/19, s. 6, 8-9, fig. 7-8; 
J. Ruska og O. Kahl: “Al-Tifashi” i Encyclopedia of Islam, New edition, Leiden 1960-2002, bd. 10, s. 476.
Tülay Artan og Irvin Cemil Schick: “Ottomanizing-pornotopia: Changing visual codes in eighteenth-century Ottoman erotic miniatures” i Francesca Leoni og Mika Natif (red.): Eros and Sexuality in Islamic Art, Farnham 2013, s. 158 og 177.
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