Miniature from a copy of Amir Khusraw Dihlawi’s Khamsa. ‘Amir Khusraw Dedicates his Work to Ala al-Din Muhammad Shah Khalji, Sultan of Delhi’
The earliest preserved Islamic book painting from India is from the sultanate period and dates to not earlier than the 15th century. The style in these works is quite diverse and perhaps reflects the influence of both Egypt and western Iran, and naturally also local Indian art.
Amir Khusraw (1253-1325) was very productive and the most famous Indo-Persian poet of the Middle Ages. In many ways, his Khamsa is a paraphrase of Nizami’s older work of the same name. Both this and his other work provide unique sources for an understanding of the period’s Islamic culture in India.
Amir Khusraw (1253-1325) was very productive and the most famous Indo-Persian poet of the Middle Ages. In many ways, his Khamsa is a paraphrase of Nizami’s older work of the same name. Both this and his other work provide unique sources for an understanding of the period’s Islamic culture in India.