Æske med skydelåg af bemalet og lakeret træ

Indien, sandsynligvis Gujarat; 1610 - 1620
H: 8,5; L: 37,4; Diam: 19,7 cm
Inventarnummer 29/2014
Publiceret i
Alexis Renard: Wunderkammer Exotica, Residenz München, Paris 2014, kat.nr. 37;
Kjeld von Folsach: ”"Exoticism" reversed. On a painted wooden box from Mughal India” i Journal of the David Collection, 5, 2021, s. 152-177; 

Kjeld von Folsach: ”"Exoticism" reversed. On a painted wooden box from Mughal India” i Journal of the David Collection, 5, 2021, s. 152-177.

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