Huqqa af glas med slebet dekoration og indvendig blomsterdekoration i farver

Indien; 18. århundredes midte
H: 17,5; Diam: 15,3 cm
Inventarnummer 17/2010
Publiceret i
Christie's, London, 24/9-2003, lot 173;
Sotheby’s, London, 6/10-2010,  lot 234;
Tara Desjardins: “Patna, Lucknow, and the curious crest of John Deane: An investigation of two Indian glass centers and a colonial drinking set”, Journal of Glass studies, 2021, 63, fig. 7, s. 259;
Tara Desjardins: Mughal glass: a history of glassmaking in India, New Delhi 2024, kat. 63, s. 151; 

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