C.W. Eckersberg (1783–1853)
Prospect from Villa Casale with SS. Giovanni e Paolo, 1824
Oil on canvas 

46.5 x 62 cm
Inventory number 18/1969
Published in
Philip Weilbach: Maleren Eckersbergs Levned og Værker, København 1872, p. 228;
Udstillingen af C.W. Eckersberg’s Malerier i Kunstforeningen, Oktober-November 1895, København 1895, cat. 177, p. 44;
Emil Hannover: Maleren C.W. Eckersberg: En Studie i dansk Kunsthistorie, Kunstforeningen, København 1898, cat. 331 and p. 188 (the title given here: Et parti av S. Giovanni E Paolo, Taget fra Villa Casale);
V. Winkel & Magnussen (ed.): Kunst i privat eje, vol. 1, København 1944, fig. 13, pp. 143-144;
Vagn Poulsen: ”Guldalderbilleder” in C.L. Davids Samling. Fjerde del, Jubilæumsskrift 1945-1970, København 1970, pp. 23-24, fig. 3, p. 28;
Dansk kunst og kunsthåndværk, Davids Samling, København 1972, p. 10;
Verner Jul Andersen: Dansk kunst og kunsthåndværk, Davids Samling, 2. ed., København 1983, cat. 416 ((the title given here: Romersk vedute);
Dyveke Helsted, Eva Henschen and Bjarne Jørnæs: C.W. Eckersberg i Rom 1813-16, Thorvaldsens Museum, 1983,  cat. 51, p. 115;
Peter Michael Hornung and Kasper Monrad: C.W. Eckersberg – dansk malerkunsts fader, København 2005, pp. 168-169;
C.W. Eckersbergs dagbøger, udgivet og kommenteret af Villads Villadsen, København 2009. Vol. 1, 1810-1836, p. 190, note 2 and note 7.
C.W. Eckersbergs dagbøger, the artist’s diaries published and annotated by Villads Villadsen, Copenhagen 2009, vol. 1, 1810–1836, p. 190, note 2. The diary reveals that Eckersberg did not complete the painting until 18 February 1825, and that the price for it, together with its pendant, was 50 rigsdaler.
C.W. Eckersberg, The Nathanson Family, 1818. SMK, inv. no. 1241 and Mendel Levin Nathanson’s Elder Daughters, Bella and Hanna, SMK, inv. no. KMS3498.
C.W. Eckersberg: The Church of SS. Giovanni e Paolo Seen from Villa Casale, Rome, 1815, Thaw Collection. The Morgan Library & Museum, New York. The drawing is dated 6 March 1815. Several other drawings of the church SS. Giovanni e Paolo created by Eckersberg during the period 1813–16 still survive today.

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